Indo-Canadian character Sunny Leone says she would like to romance Bollywood biggies Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor on-screen and likewise attempt her hands at comic drama. Sunny first made her presence in Tv actuality show Bigg Boss 5 in 2011 and this expedited her entrance in Bollywood. She made her make a big appearance in Hindi pictures with Jism 2 and will be afterward seen in 'ragini Mms 2'.
Sunny Leone |
The character was conversing with columnists here at a promotional occasion of Shootout at Wadala keep going nighttime.
Sunny has done an exceptional tune, Laila, in the Sanjay Gupta-steered wrongdoing dramatization, which is inexactly dependent upon a police experience that occurred in Mumbai in 1982.
"I never musing I can do this tune. I was anxious, terrified on the first day of shoot, however John (Abraham), Tusshar (Kapoor) and others were fantastic to me and it ended up being the best encounter I have had here till now," she said.
John, Tusshar, Kangna Ranaut, Anil Kapoor and Sonu Sood are playing lead roles in the picture.
Tusshar, who was likewise display at the occasion, was full of commendation for Sunny. "She has lucidity of psyche and considered. She had no fits of rage. She is a mixture of delightfulness and brains and is likewise a superb mere mortal," he said.
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