By Jigar Shah Noticed for her debut performance in the Maneesh Sharma directed, Shuddh Desi Romance, Vaani Kapoor will also be seen in the Tamil version of YRF’s own hit film Band Baaja Baarat that starred Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma. Titled Aaha Kalyanam, she will be seen with Tamil actor Nani of Eega fame. The film is slated to release this year. Meanwhile, after her debut film, Kapoor who had been deluged with offers from producers, haven’t as yet given a nod to any of the projects. Though she is bound by a contract with Yash Raj Films, the production house has not held her back to act in other projects as well. According to recent developments, an insider revealed that, “Aditya Chopra has told Vaani that he has a big film for her, but till that happens, she is free to take any project that is offered to her.”
Preeti Desai’s multi-lingual character in One By Two
Preeti Desai who was first noticed for her role in Shor In The City, is waiting for the release of her second film, One By Two in which she stars opposite Abhay Deol. However, for Preeti, who hails from London, pursuing a career in Bollywood was a little difficult because of her foreign accent. Besides, she could speak in English and her mother tongue Gujarati. In One By Two, she had to work hard on her diction with Veena Mehta (Abbas Tyrewala’s mother-in-law). “The film was shot in sync sound, so I had to get my Hindi accent right, which I did with Veena Madam’s help. However, at times, traces of Gujarati would creep in during my dialogue delivery. The entire unit would break into laughter, and I would have to do the scene all over again. I have spoken all the lines and after my director, heard me talk to my mother in Gujarati, she decided to include some Gujarati dialogue in the film. So there is 65 per cent Hindi, 10 per cent English and 15 per cent Gujarati.” The film is directed by Devika Bhagat and will release on February 7. —JS
Umesh Shukla in talks with Ranveer Singh for a film
By Ankita R Kanabar Umesh Shukla is not only busy shooting the Abhishek Bachchan starrer, All Is Well, he will begin work on the Amitabh Bachchan starrer, 102 Not Out, that shall go on the floors in August. Now, the buzz is that the OMG: Oh My God director has approached Ranveer Singh for a film. When contacted Shukla said, “No! Nothing has been finalised as of now. We are in talks, but those are only ground level talks. It’s just too early to talk about it.” The director refused to divulge details about the script, except for stating that if all goes well, he will start a film with Singh. Meanwhile, the director shall soon begin the next schedule of his Abhishek-Asin-Rishi Kapoor starrer. Singh, who is also busy with other projects like Shaad Ali’s Kil Dil, which has gone on floors some time ago, stars Parineeti Chopra, Govinda and Ali Zafar.
Homi Adajani’s next is a mature love story
After making films like Being Cyrus and the commercially successful Cocktail, director Homi Adajania is not only busy giving the finishing touches to his third film Finding Fanny, but is also working on his fourth film. Writers, Siddharth and Garima who worked with Sanjay Leela Bhansali on Goliyon Ki Raas Leela Ram-leela, are already working on a script with which Dinesh Vijan makes his directorial debut. They have also been asked by the production house to write another script that will be directed by Adajania.